The general hygiene rules must be observed at all times, they are as follows:
Visitors must register
Access doors are kept closed, unauthorized persons have no access
Unaccompanied visitors must be addressed about their presence and reporting obligation
Mobile phones, cameras or tablets may not be taken into the ware house without permission from the person responsible for visits Filming is not permitted without permission. Filming employees is not permitted without permission from the person(s) concerned
No personal belongings may be taken into the warehouse
Objects not necessary to perform the work may not be taken into the warehouse
Smoking, eating and drinking
Smoking is not allowed inside the company (including electronic cigarettes)
It is not permitted to consume food or drink in the company with the exception of the office and the canteens
Tobacco products, food and drinks brought along must be stored in the designated place
The lockers are kept clean and only used for personal belongings
Hands must be clean and washed regularly
Everyone keeps their own workplace clean. Fallen products are cleaned up
All employees must wear clean work clothes
Change work clothes regularly
Work clothes are washed at home
Wearing suitable work shoes (in the warehouses) is mandatory
Anyone who finds pests (or rodent damage / feces) inside or outside the company premises must report this to the Warehouse Manager
Health / Care
Open wounds are covered with a plaster. Plasters are changed regularly
Persons with a contagious disease (such as diarrhea) must report this to the Warehouse Manager so that measures can be taken to minimize the risk of contamination
Persons who have visited a country with an increased risk of infectious diseases (such as Hepatitis A, typhoid, DTP, yellow fever, etc.) in the past three months must report this to the Warehouse Manager